It’s no secret that us English-speakers
think very highly of ourselves. What’s less obvious is how that pomposity affects
the dissemination of media. According to Words
Without Borders, “50 percent of all the books in translation now published
worldwide are translated from
English, but only 6 percent are translated into
English” (Schnee, Mason, and Felman, xi). I could not locate an updated
statistic, but the prevailing sentiment holds that we think we’re BFDs, and
we’re missing out on a wealth of literature as a result.
Words without Borders (WWB)
is a magazine that bridges the gap by translating and publishing international
literature. Words Without Borders: The
World through the Eyes of Writers* is a particularly innovative anthology
published by the organization in 2007. WWB
asked 28 esteemed authors to choose their favorite short story or poem that had
not seen the English light of day. Their choices were translated from a wide
array of languages: Arabic, Chinese, Italian, and Spanish, to name a few.
I couldn’t help but agree with
author Ariel Dorman, who felt disturbed that many stories remain “shipwrecked
and without a translator” (Schnee, Mason, and Felman, 344). Nowadays, we are so
bogged down by the politics of physical borders that we narrow-mindedly focus
on one goal: what is pragmatic? I’m not saying throw rationality by the
wayside, but wouldn’t it be more prudent to understand the cultures that we’re
turning into numbers? To expand our perspective through knowledge and empathy?
Literature is a resource in that regard. What better way to learn about a
different world that to hear from someone immersed in it?
As you might expect in an
anthology, some stories are better than others. One of my favorites is
“Revulsion” originally written in Spanish by Horacio Castellanos Moya. It is
the El Salvadorian version of The Catcher in the Rye and
it appeals to all of my unintelligible angst. Another favorite is “The
Scripture Read Backward” originally written in Bengali by Parashuram. It
ironically inverts the India-Britain post-colonial power structure, lending
India the upper hand.
After reading this story, my
respect for translators skyrocketed. To be honest, I hadn’t put much thought
into the process until then. A translator is tasked with capturing the language
and the subtle meanings. They must
retain the author’s nuances. Even something as straightforward as alliteration
proves difficult. Furthermore, you must have a decent mastery of the culture
and history behind the text you’re translating. Sukanta Chaudhuri, the
translator of Parashuram’s work, had to have a working knowledge of what
colonial dynamics were like in order to catch Parashuram’s idiosyncratic jabs
at Britain.
Admittedly, there are stories in
the collection that I’m not crazy about. One complaint I have is that the
majority of the stories hint at oppression in some form. Of course, oppression
happens in all nations, including our own; however, when you’re dealing with an
anthology intent on increasing access to foreign works, and most of those works
have a subjugation theme, you run the risk of associating foreign nations with
subjugation—at the expense of other wonderful cultural happenings in that nation.
Still, this is a small taste of the many works that WWB provides us and their mission to alter the one-way translation
street is laudable overall.
As such, I give Words Without Borders: The World through the
Eyes of Writers 4 out of 5 camel humps. The immense respect between
authors is beautiful to witness. Writers we know and love, like José Saramago, go to bat for their beloved non-English
works, and we listen to them and learn from them. Reading the collection made
me feel like I’d cleansed my Westernized mind… and feel less guilty about
forgetting all of the Spanish I learned in high school. To get that same
feeling, I recommend you at least check out WWB’s
* Schnee, Mason, and Felman, eds. Words Without Borders: The World through the Eyes of Writers. New
York: Anchor Books, 2007. Print.
*n.p. Words Without
Borders, 2016. Web. 27 April 2016.