Morrison first landed on my radar when Ta-Nehisi Coates included a quote by her
on the cover of Between the World and Me. As an author,
Morrison does not shy from slapping you in the face with racial commentary. Her
most notable novel, Beloved*, earned
her the 1993 Nobel Prize in Literature, and she continues to be a booming voice
in discussions regarding the disenfranchisement of black America.
Beloved tackles the topic of slavery,
couched in creative storytelling. The plot is based on a historically famous
moment of infanticide. The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 stated that slaves who
escaped to free states could be seized by their previous masters and returned
to captivity. When Kentucky plantation owners apprehended former slave Margaret
Garner in Ohio in 1856, Margaret chose to murder her own daughter rather than
give her back over to slavery.
inspired by the ferocity of Margaret’s love for her child as well as the moral
contentiousness of her actions, adapts the event into a fictional story. In
order to effectively hone in on the psychological trauma of slavery, Morrison
considers the killing from multiple perspectives, including the mother, the
community, the other siblings, and the dead daughter herself in the form of a
ghost. The result is a chilling account of a brutal action born of an even more
brutal and murderous institution.
appreciate Morrison’s thoughtful take on a terrible history that I can’t fully
comprehend. Unfortunately, I’m not a fan of her writing style, and I had quite
a bit of trouble navigating a sense of place within the novel. She jumps around
between past, present, future, death, life, imagination, and spoken word.
Additionally, she jumps around between the minds of each main character. I
spent most of the time trying to orient myself to the speaker/context, and too
little time grasping the intended message.
Morrison is
a gifted poet, and her writing contains a rawness fitting of a population that
was forced to remain vulnerable even in their legal “freedom”. When I wasn’t
distracted by the jerking back and forth between surrealism, reality, and
stream of consciousness, I considered her very talented. After the negatives
balance the positives, Beloved
levels out at 3 out of 5 camel humps.
*Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York: Random House, 1987. Print.